"I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can't see from the center." - Vonnegut

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A walk.

I went for a walk today.
I remember when I first moved to Pittsburgh I'd walk everywhere. It's so nice being in a city and having everything within walking distance. I miss my car's heated seats, but I love being bipedal.
Ren Ren Le is a kind of department store that is about a dozen blocks down the road. I've heard of it, and saw it from afar, but I've never been inside. The weather had been quite nice after the Mongolian sandstorm blew through, so I decided to walk there today.
I like walking down the streets here. Everyone stares, but not in a menacing way; it doesn't make me uncomfortable at all. I really enjoyed watching everyone shop in the little stores along the road. There was a woman selling small pots of daffodils. I would have bought one if I knew how to communicate better.
Everyone seemed so happy today. I think it has to do with the warmer weather.
Ren Ren Le was a madhouse. I went in search of a box of kleenexes and some bobby pins for my hair. The first floor has clothing of all types. The second floor has food. And a pet store. The third floor has some more clothing, cleaning supplies, appliances, and personal hygiene products. I found a pack of three boxes of kleenex for 13RMB (or about $2 American). At home, I can get a pack of 100 bobby pins for about $2. Ren Ren Le was selling a pack of 4 bobby pins for 6RMB. I could easily afford them, but I declined. Even in a country where everything is so unbelievably underpriced, I could not allow myself to buy 4 bobby pins for roughly $1 American.
I bought my reasonably priced kleenexes and went to the open air market across the street. At the front entrance a man sells these tortilla-like wraps that smell like heaven. One day I will try one.
I walk in to the market with the same mission every time: Find my friends and family a cool present.
After about 45 minutes of wandering, I left empty-handed. This woman sells really beautiful beaded necklaces and bracelets. I'll probably buy some for my friends back home. This other man sells army jackets. I want to buy one for myself so badly.
I've managed to save a lot of money so far. Jen and I are planning a trip to Tibet in June. Every time I look at a cute jacket for myself, I think of the Potala Palace and walk away. I've wanted to go to Tibet for over 15 years. I have to make it there before I leave China.
Alex (another teacher), teaches extra classes downtown to businessmen. I'm going to head downtown with him this week to see about teaching there as well. If I end up making more money, maybe I'll go back and buy that army jacket.

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